North Harringay Primary School

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Joining our school in September 2025


If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021 they are due to start in a Reception class in September 2025. The deadline for making your application is 15th January 2025.



Please view the virtual tour video and explore our website to find out more about us. Visits are warmly welcomed. 

If you have any specific questions please send them to flagged as Reception query and we will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.

If you decide you would like to apply for a place at our school, you will need to apply through the Admissions Department of the Local Education Authority. Places are allocated in accordance with the LEA admission criteria. We do not handle our own admissions or have any influence over who is, or is not, offered a place.

For more information please visit: 

The Planned Admission Number for our school is 60 pupils - two classes per year group.

 We do all we can to welcome all of our new pupils and to ensure a smooth and speedy transition into our school.

 Families who are offered a place will be invited to a meeting before their child starts school to meet the teacher and to discuss their child’s interests, likes and dislikes and any important information such as any allergies or health concerns.

 You will be given a start date for your child who will be invited to stay until just after lunch on their first day and, all being well, they will attend full days from then on. We have found that, as most children have already attended either our Nursery or another Nursery setting, that they don’t require a longer transition period.

 We look forward to welcoming you to North Harringay Primary.


Admissions to the Nursery

Our admissions into the Nursery are dealt with directly by the school. 

Children will only be admitted to attend for their entire 15 or 30 hour free childcare entitlement. It is not possible to split the entitlement between our Nursery and another Nursery. Consistent attendance on a regular basis is expected of all children.

All applications will be considered fairly irrespective of child’s gender, race or disability. If there are more applications than the number of places available then children will be admitted based on the following criteria:

  1. Children who are currently attending the Nursery
  2. Children who have a sibling attending the school or Nursery and who will continue to attend on the date of admission
  3. Looked After Children
  4. Children with strong educational, medical, or social reason to attend the Nursery
  5. In the event of oversubscription, priority will be given to families who live closest to the Nursery, based on the permanent residential address of the parent/carer with parental responsibility at the time of application.

There is no automatic progression into Reception class for children currently attending the nursery at North Harringay Primary School.

 Nursery Initial Enquiry Form

Admissions to Reception

Our admissions into Reception are dealt with by the Local Authority. North Harringay follows the London Borough of Haringey Admissions Code of Practice for community schools. The application process and key dates are published on the Local Authority’s website.

Please click on the link to find out about the Admissions criteria and to apply: Haringey Council School Admissions Please view our Admissions Policy for more details.


Deferred places - before compulsory school age
The School Admissions Code states in short that admission authorities must allow parents to defer a school place until the child is of compulsory school age. Parents can defer a place to a time later in the year, or until the child is of compulsory school age AND request that their child takes up the place part-time until the child reaches compulsory school age.

Parents and Carers should write to the Head Teacher as this decision is at the Head Teacher’s discretion. It is advisable to also apply for a Reception place as detailed above in the event that delayed entry is denied.

Where applications for places exceed the standard number of places available, the Local Authority criteria for admission apply. Places for the following September may be deferred when exceptional circumstances have been indicated by the family or the receiving Pre-school placement.


Starting school during the year

In-Year Admissions are dealt with by the Local Authority. 

 If your child lives in Haringey and does not currently have a school place, or if you wish to transfer them to a different school, please apply for a school by visiting the Haringey Council website.

Oversubscription criteria

Children with a statement of Special Educational Needs which names the school will be admitted in accordance with Section 324 of the Education Act 1996:

If the number of applicants without statements of educational needs naming the school is higher than the number of places available, the following rules will be applied, in the order of priority set out below to decide who will be offered a place:


1) Children in Care
Children who are looked after by a local authority or were previously looked after but immediately after being looked after, became subject to an adoption, residence, or special guardianship order.
Children in care means children who are in care of a local authority in accordance with Section 22 Children Act 1989.

2) Social Medical

Children who the Authority accepts have an exceptional medical or social need for a place at one specific school. Applications will only be considered under this category if they are supported by a written statement from a doctor, social worker or other relevant independent professional. The information must confirm the exceptional medical or social need and demonstrate how the specified school is the only school that can meet the defined needs of the child.

3) Linked school
This rule applies only to junior school admissions. Applicants attending an infant school will be prioritised under this rule for admission to the linked junior school.

4) Brother or Sister

Children with a brother or sister already attending the school and who will still be attending on the date of admission. This category includes foster brothers and sisters, half brothers and sisters or stepbrothers and sisters. Parents should note that in all these cases, the brother or sister must be living at the same address as the child for whom the application is being made.

5) Distance

Children living closest to the preferred school.

Tie breaker
The tie breaker for all criteria is: children living closest to the school measured in a straight line from the post office address point for the child’s home, to the post office address point of the school, supplied by the Royal Mail using a computerised mapping system. The tiebreak for two or more applications that live exactly the same distance from the school will be random allocation using a computerised system.

If only one place is available at the school and the next child who qualifies for a place is one of multiple birth siblings, we will ask community schools to go over their published admission number.


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