North Harringay Primary School

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At North Harringay, we believe that children learn best when there is a partnership between home and school.

We believe that you are your child's first and most important teacher.

Parent School Association

We have a very active and supportive group of parents who offer their help both in and out of school and engage in many fund raising activities.

Meetings are held regularly throughout the year. Details of the PSA are sent out to all parents and carers at the beginning of the school year and through regular newsletters during the term. Every Parent and Carer is automatically a member of the PSA. If you would like to have further involvement, please email:

Helping Your Child at School

We welcome parents and carers to help in the classroom and going on outings.

Please let us know if you have any particular expertise! If you wish to come and help in school, you will need to attend an induction session, which can be arranged with the Deputy Head Teacher.

Parent-Teacher Consultations

We organise at least three parent/carer consultation sessions during each year.

At these sessions you have the opportunity to discuss your child's progress and development. During the summer term you will be given a written report and will have an opportunity to discuss this with staff.

Family Learning

We provide many opportunities for parents to learn more about how to help their children including workshops and family learning classes.

English Classes are held on the premises. Please contact the school office to express your interest. 

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