North Harringay Primary School

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Food in School


We are very proud of the quality and variety of the school meals we provide here at North Harringay.
The school has gone into partnership with Lunchtime Co. to make the whole school meals experience even better for our children. 

Lunchtime Welcome Newsletter - January 2024


MENU - Autumn/Spring term (from 04/11/24)




All pupils with medical conditions, including food allergies, should have an Individual Health Care Plan completed and submitted to the school. Parents/carers are responsible for ensuring that the school has an up-to-date information on child's allergies, medication as well as contact details. 

In addition to the Health Care Plan parents/carers should complete the Special Diet/Food Allergy Form that is shared with the catering team. Based on the medical/dietary needs the school meals menu can be adapted to meet the child's dietary requirements. For more information please read Lunchtime Co. Medical Diet Process. 


Lunchtime Dietary Needs/Medical Diet Process 

Special Diet / Food Allergy Request Form


Please note that due to the large number of pupils with severe food allergies we will not allow any food to be brought into school to celebrate children's birthdays. This includes all types of food such as cakes, biscuits or fruit. 

Fruit is currently provided for the children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 by the the government funded School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme (SFVS).

Free School Meals

Did you know, schools can receive up to £1480 in extra funding through the Pupil Premium for every child who is eligible for Free School Meals? The school will still receive this funding even if you decide to provide your child with a packed lunch after applying. 

The funding is used to boost learning outcomes for pupils so every child in Haringey can achieve their full potential. This is money which can be spent on equipment and resources to help your child’s learning.

Children in families who receive income support, job seekers allowance, child tax credit or who are refugees or asylum seekers are entitled to free school meals. If you think you may be entitled to free school meals, please complete the survey link below and the school office will carry out a check for you..

So, if you're on benefits, complete a free school meals application form today, available from the school office

Free School Meals Application Form Survey


Packed Lunch

Children may bring a packed lunch to eat at school as an alternative to school lunch. Please make sure there are no nuts, cans, glass bottles, chocolate, sweets or drinks other than water or milk. Crisps are allowed on Fridays only. 

Packed lunch guide for parents


Water & Milk

We encourage the children to bring a bottle of water to keep in their classroom and we have water dispensers on each corridor.

Children under 5 receive milk free of charge, paid for by the UK government. If your child is over 5 and you receive state benefits, your child may be entitled to free school milk, paid for by the school. If your child is over 5 but you don’t receive state benefits then milk is still available at a subsidised rate. 

Changes in school meals arrangements 

If you wish to change your child’s lunch arrangements (change from school lunch to packed lunch or from packed lunch to school lunch), you will need to give one week’s notice in writing to the school office. Change in School Meals Arrangement forms are available from the office or dowloadable (link below)

Change in school meals arrangement form 

Paying for school meals

 Payments are made using our online payment system SchoolMoney.

Payments for school lunches should be made at least weekly in advance. Parents can also pay monthly or half-termly in advance. As parents/carers have access to their child’s account at any time the school will no longer send payment reminder messages.

 Please visit the website to check your child's account and to make payments.






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