North Harringay Primary School

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Accidents and Illness

The children are very well supervised throughout the day and we do take great care of your child. However, accidents do still happen from time to time.

Children should not be sent to school if they are feeling unwell. If your child becomes unwell during the school day, they will be looked after by school staff. If necessary, you will be contacted and asked to collect your child from school. If your child needs to be taken to hospital, you will be informed and a member of staff will remain with them until you arrive.

Please make sure that we always have your current home and mobile telephone numbers. We also need the names, addresses and telephone numbers of a relative or friend who can be contacted in an emergency should we be unable to contact you.


We do not normally administer any medication other than that prescribed for Asthma. If your child has a long term illness, you will need to make arrangements with the Head Teacher for the school to administer medication.

On no account should you send you child to school with medicines and expect them to treat themselves.

Infectious Diseases

Please inform us if your child contracts an infectious disease like measles, mumps or chicken pox. We can then discuss a return date with you and let other parents know to look out for the symptoms.

Medical Appointments

If your child has a dental, doctor or hospital appointment, please let us know in advance in writing. Whenever you take your child out of school during the school day, please come to the office and sign the book provided.

Medical Examinations

The school nurse and the school doctor make routine checks on the children's physical development over the year. Their eyesight and teeth are also checked. You will be informed if any treatment is necessary and you are welcome to be present at individual health inspections. The school nurse visits the school regularly. Please let us know if you would like an appointment with her.

Flu Vaccinations

Please view the link below to find out information on the Flu vaccination for Year 1 & 2 and 3 pupils

Head Lice

This can be a severe problem at times. Please contact your local chemist for advice. You will need to let the school know if your child has caught head lice, as we will then notify other parents and carers. Please make sure you check your child's head regularly and treat head lice promptly.

Public Health England

Winter newsletter

Local Authorities have to investigate when they believe a child is suffering or is at risk of suffering harm. They have to assess the needs of the child and the child's family to protect the child from harm.

The school does not investigate child protection cases but we have a legal duty to monitor and refer cases of children suffering ill-treatment or neglect. Cases of abuse will be investigated by the Police Protection Team and Haringey Social Services.

Abuse as dealt with under child protection procedures, is physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect carried out by either members of the child's family, extended family, people in a position of trust or people with regular contact with the child.

Child Protection at North Harringay

If a member of staff has child protection concerns the Head Teacher is informed.

If a child makes a disclosure about physical or sexual abuse the Head Teacher will make a referral to Social Services. She is legally obliged to do this.

The school works closely with parents and carers and will keep them informed. We encourage a supportive and open ethos in school that allows for children to feel that they have an adult to talk to if things are worrying them.


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