North Harringay Primary School

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How you can help your child

The most successful children know that their family supports them and shows an interest in their day to day school life.

  • Talk to your child about what they are doing at school.
  • Encourage them to find out things for themselves.
  • Read books with your child. Take them to the local library and help them to choose books.
  • Let your child help you in the kitchen and when you are doing other work in the home.
  • Listen to your child. Encourage them to ask questions. If you do not have the answer, why not find out together?


Your child will bring home work each week which may include reading, spellings, writing, maths and topic work. Your interest in this will increase their motivation and satisfaction. It should not take a great deal of time and it is important that you see the work is completed and returned to school. If you have any concerns about your child's progress or learning, you should speak to your child's teacher in the first instance.


The safety and security of your children is paramount. If your child attends breakfast club, they come to school from 8am and must use the main entrance. The playground gates are opened at 8.40am and locked at 9am. Children arriving late should enter through the main entrance on Falkland Road.

Any adult arriving at school after 9am MUST sign in the visitors' book and all visitors must report to the school office on arrival. At the end of the school day the gates are opened at 3.15pm.

We have produced some useful booklets to support you as your child progresses through the school.


Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using technology. Whether on social media sites, through a mobile phone, or gaming sites, the effects can be devastating for the young person involved. There are ways to help prevent a child from being cyberbullied and to help them cope and stop the bullying if it does happen.

This advice is for parents and carers about cyberbullying. It provides advice and information about how they can protect their child from cyberbullying and how to tackle it if it happens.

Advice for Parents on Cyber bullying

Nursery Information

The information included in this booklet will help you understand how we work to give your child the best possible start to their education and to let you know how you can help at home.

EYFS Information Booklet

Foundation Stage Curriculum Booklet

This booklet will help to answer some of the questions you may have about the Early Years curriculum. It is intended as a brief outline of the learning your child will be involved in during their time in the Nursery and Reception classes. It also includes some ideas of ways in which you may be able to help your child at home to support their learning.

EYFS Information Booklet

Helping Your Child At Home Year 1 - 6

This booklet is intended to help you in supporting your child's learning at home. There are some suggestions of ways in which you can help your child to learn and with the work they bring home from school. The most important message to give your child is that learning is fun. Most of the learning you can do with your child at this stage in their development is through talking and playing games.

How to help your child at home

Useful Websites for Parents

For more information see Phonics & Reading.

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